Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Hey, sorry I was missing in action for a few days.

I was awaken today by the sad news of Steve Jobs' death. It really came as a shock especially when iPhone 4s was just announced yesterday. Anyway I told B (Out of sarcasm) that we can fly to US for his funeral if he wants. In reference to his obsession with Apple and the guy. Anyway the truth is, the world has lost a great genius.

I cannot imagine how the world would be, without all his innovations and products. RIP Steve Jobs.

I will be going on maternity soon, in 2 weeks' time. So I figured I will have the time to keep up to this space. See you all.

Meantime, let's take today to mourn for the passing of the most brilliant mind alive. Pretty sad that L would not have the chance to even see him alive, not that we would take L to see Steve in person, but well you get the idea.

RIP Steve Jobs, 1955 - 2011

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