Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hello again!

Hey you, I can't believe that my last post was almost a year ago! I was just going through my calendar and I realised that many good occasions and memories all happened in the month of November. I got married during November and I am probably gonna give birth in November as well.

Brandon has been asking me to go back to writing for the longest time. I remember I do enjoyed writing and having a little corner to share my thoughts, but somewhere along the line I lost the momentum to Facebook & Twitter. I still do believe in writing and recording down my thoughts.

Well so what have I been up to? I am a Mom2b and this is probably the biggest milestone of my life so far. For the past 8 months, we have been excited, apprehensive, thankful, nervous, all kinds of emotions mixed together all at the same time. This whole pregnancy and childbearing thing is very new for us and I guessed it's normal to feel this way. I am in my 33 weeks today and we are welcoming Baby L in less than 8 weeks' time, if he chooses to come on 11 Nov.

So I'm gonna get back to this space again and please bear with me. There isn't much to share unless you are interested in my new routine. Ever since I got preggo, the toilet bowl has become my best companion, day and night. It has gotten worse now as L has shifted position and his head is pressing against my bladder. So there you go, nothing very interesting. Just lots of trips to the toilet, and many silly incidents which I won't bore you now.

Please come back again. It's nice to have someone being interested in what you are doing. As I am going on maternity leave soon, this space would probably serve as a social entertainment for me.

Have a lovely day everyone, leaving you with L's 4D scan.

L at 23 weeks :)

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